The idea of a perfect sexual life consists of believing in the mirage of monogamy without enjoying the oasis. I had rather roll down the dunes of the desert as my breasts leave rippling waves over the sepia sands.

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If you are interested in everything sexual don't miss my Tantric Guide
Welcome to my site The London Tantric Masseuse. My name is Nerea Leiva and I am an independent open minded tantric massage therapist. If you are curious about Tantra, tantric sex and tantric massage you have landed on the right page. My approach to tantric massage combines relaxation, sensuality and sexuality.
I strive towards satisfying my clients, as I have a preference for a regular clientele because of health and safety reasons. If you wish to dip a toe into tantric massage do not hesitate to contact me, but if you are already familiar with it I encourage you to explore my style of Tantra.
This site will provide you with a good insight into my views about the art of massage, eroticism, relationships and Tantra—bear in mind I have just created this site and as my own Webmistress I need to implement further work on it before I can start podcasting and filmmaking. So please take my invitation to reflection through my blog or, to explore our bodies, if you decide to book an appointment.
Are you looking for the perfect companion in London? Do you want to get lost in a haven of lust and ecstasy? Look no further! Why not try some hot spice? I will heat you up on the coldest of winter days; I will light you up on the dullest days of your work routine. I am no ordinary girl, but the burning fire you will be drawn to over and over and over again. Right in central London, whether for a morning session, a lunch break or an evening date after your work schedule at my cozy apartment, I am here to keep you company and share with you some special erotic moments.
Temporarily yours,
Nerea, an Independent London Tantric Masseuse
​ 07769355000
What is Tantric Massage?
​Stroll in Eden
Erectile levitation Orgasmic Nirvana
Tantric massage is an ancient Indian practice that is based on the pillars of Tantra. This philosophy teaches us to expand our consciousness and liberate our spirit. Tantric massage is a way to incorporate these principles to our sexuality and, thus, allowing us to master the art of pleasure. Our sexual energy is endowed with healing and spiritual qualities whose far-reaching effects can help us lead a more overall balanced life.
Tantric massage is a revolutionary antidote to combat not only sexual boredom, but also other issues that may block our sexual energy. It offers a different concept regarding the rapport we maintain with our own bodies thanks to its spiritual dimension, which in turn helps with achieving maximal relaxation. It focuses on stimulating the nerves located throughout our body to create new pathways of sensation to the brain. It liberates us and allows us to become more self-expressive in the world, be in the zone of genius, be more alive and turned on, and ultimately happier.
Is there anything else one could wish for?
My take on tantric massage is based on a combination of erotic techniques that culminate in a sexual act. The conventional practice of happy endings by which tantric masseuses manually release men is not my style. I believe sex should be wholly, holistic and equally enjoyed by the lovers who engage in.
Who is Tantric Massage for?
Bored men
Curious souls
Horny minds
London Tantric Masseuse calling men in search of women willing to experiment with the chemistry of body fluids. Are you sexless? Head to my tantric nest and take a fly on the wild side. Are you clueless about tantric sex? Let the mystery unravel before our eyes and be not tormented by doubts about the meaning of Dark Tantra. Have you been spiritually attacked by anxiety, stress and depression? Meet a tantric Goddess who can take you to Seventh Heaven. Do you want to explore your full capacity for pleasure? I am a sexual athlete who can coach you to compete in the Olympic Sex Games.
I am running a campaign to make men fear running out of sex and, more importantly, dying without having experienced breathtaking sex. I want them to acknowledge what they already know: no sex, and crap sex, sucks. But it is much deeper than that. It is a black hole that sips your sap and leaves you colourless, ‘shineless’, withered away by the horror of a sexless life. Yes, you should dread the idea of your partner going on strike, depriving you of a healthy sexual existence. Food and water nourish your body; sleep feeds your brain; sex is the chlorophyll of your soul, without it, you are a living corpse that works 9 to 5. Furthermore, it is the vital energy that connects you to life!
Why Nerea's Tantric Experience?
For all the regrets in your life, make this chance an exception!
Apart from the fact that I am a great mystery to you until this moment, I am described as beautiful and dynamic, both grounded in reality and not quite of this world. I have a nurturing and loving nature, and I flourish by giving and sharing. In sex, the basics are very important: slowness, kissing, touching. Head down, chin ready and my body on top of yours; my fingerprints, the beautiful guiding light I will lay on your limbs; making love, the secret is to explore your body until I dress up your nakedness with my skin. You cannot just pick up the best book on Tantra in the world, you need to understand it by doing it. Everything I have learned, understood and perfected about human sexuality will be laid bare in an intimate session with my body and my heart. You will experience what real lovemaking should be from start to finish. I’ve spent the last 7 years of my life immersing myself in the world of tantric sex to bring to my bed what you are dying to know. As long as you have a willing creature to have great sex with, you’re paving the way to reach the big O. But coming back to the question Why me? The best way to answer you is by meeting me in person.

Immerse yourself in the moistness of my valleys and gentle ridges

Tantra massage stimulates a process of purification by utilising a powerful source of restorative energy and activating specific points of mental healing and liberation. It can treat various emotional problems that may have phychosomatised in chronic health issues that conventional medicine merely treats but does not necessary heal. As a result, a general sense of vigour and vitality is achieved.
Emotional and mental blockages can originate from various sources, known or unknown, they can manifest in several facets. Tantric massage addresses human sexuality holistically, on a physical, mental, emotional and sexual level, by putting into practice this concept of holism, this therapeutic practice can address the root of the blockage and eliminate it permanently.
Generally speaking, sexual dysfunctions are a result of blockages. Among men they can range from impotence, early ejaculation to loss of sexual desire. In the case of women, they can be due to a lack of libido, frigidity, painful intercourse, an inability to experience pleasure or reach orgasm, among other reasons. By purifying the body, releasing blockages, awakening our sexual energy and dispersing this dynamic vitality throughout our body, we can overcome our sexual disorders and radically transform our sexuality.
When our sexual energy is strictly focussed on our genital area, the way we experience sexual encounters and orgasms will be short-lived, unidimensional and superficial. With the aid of tantric massage, the power of our sexual energy will be dispersed throughout our body giving access to a state of ecstasy. Sex becomes a transcendental and spiritual experience where orgasms can be prolonged for minutes whilst two lovers surf an enduring wave of pleasure. Furthermore, both men and women can reach multiple orgasms.
Although I focus on the erotic and sexual pragmatic aspect of tantric sex, it is important to recognise that the aim of Tantra teachings is to elevate our consciousness. When massaging is practised following certain tantric principles and an engaging true inner self, spiritual inspiration awakens a curiosity about the depth of our real nature.
As sexual energy is pushed upwards it concentrates at the centre of our chest. When it reaches our heart it transforms into a purer form of energy. The experience of authentic love can be attained then. It is a form of love that doesn’t necessarily translate into the concept of relationship love but, rather, a sense of giving, nurturing, appreciation and gratitude towards ourselves, our lover and the world.
When all tantra teachings are implemented in our sexual lives and life in general its effects can be far-reaching. Healing and energy channeling are the building blocks of this practice. This will lead to a purification of the physical body, a relief of blockages, a renewed vitality, a better ability to feel and share authentic love, a spiritual awakening and a joy that opens up our spirits. As a consequence of this inner transformation, the way we interact with the world and manage our relationships with others will also change. We become more able to connect with ourselves on a deeper level.
Thanks to all the aforementioned effects, tantric massage can bring a new life, liberation from the clutches of the past and a benevolent clarity for the future. This will ultimately help to cultivate happiness and lasting contentment. Living this wonderful and inspiring practice is a rare opportunity for all to achieve a deep and satisfying fulfilment in sex, love and life. Tantra massage acts as a bridge between an ordinary life and an extraordinary life, ordinary sex and extraordinary sex, and being an ordinary man or woman to a tantric man or woman.
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