Bear in mind that if you would like to benefit from a proper tantric experience, ideally it's better to spend over an hour. All my services are included in the prices listed below, including a tantric massage and full sexual service. I don't offer outcalls.
WARNING TO BURGLARS I'm not stupid enough to keep cash in my flat and, besides, I'm not a rich bitch who wears diamonds as I only do tantric massage a few hours a month. My area has the highest CCTV concentration in London and I live right next to a police station. So you would not escape following any offence you may want to commit. It's the City! Also, beware that I have already faced a burglary attempt at knife point with the result of the fuckwits in question being caught and having to serve a prison sentence of 3 years! Not to mention that they got no bloody money or bling, bling! Being a gem myself diamonds or expensive jewellery don't shine enough on my skin. So try your luck with some decent education and stop being a poor loser!
I do not accept bookings without you haven't provided a mobile number. If you need a quick response, contact via mobile is the best option. However, if you contact me by e-mail, I will not engage in exchanging frequent messages without you having texted or phoned me at the beginning. If you contact me from abroad I am available on Whatsapp. If you would like to meet early in the morning it has to be arranged the previous day and my last booking is 10pm. I am available Monday to Sunday 10am-10pm subject to my changing day job schedule.